
Reevaluating the Digital Front Door In Healthcare Business Today

Written by Joshua Titus | Jul 11, 2024 1:33:00 PM

An article in Healthcare Business Today, It’s Time To Reevaluate Healthcare’s Approach To The Digital Front Door, written by Gozio CEO, Joshua Titus, takes a look at why we need to rethink healthcare's approach. 

According to the article, the pandemic helped increase adoption of many digital tools for patient experience. However, these solutions were often put in place quickly with little thought to the larger digital front door strategy. "As a result, disjointed user experiences remain a pain point for most health systems—and they’re a significant detriment to consumer loyalty."

The article goes on to say, "In 2024, healthcare providers offer too many digital tools across too many platforms and continue to emphasize web-based offerings over mobile solutions, which are preferred by patients. In this environment, surveys like this one show that platform overload is real, and it’s contributing to a fractured, and ultimately poor, end-user experience."

Joshua digs into the latest research on what patients say they want. The evidence presented in the article is clear—patients want to mange their healthcare in a single platform that is available on their smartphone.

"A 2023 Gozio consumer survey revealed that most users prefer mobile apps that offer a unified experience. Two-thirds of Gen Z respondents said the ability to manage healthcare through a single platform, website, or mobile app, is “extremely important,” along with 70% of millennials, 53% of Gen Xers, and 52% of Baby Boomer respondents."

The article goes on to discuss three key things that healthcare organizations should be thinking about to create a truly engaging and success digital front door strategy. Those include putting everything in one place for easy access and use by patients, building your digital front door on a platform that can grow and change over time, and making sure that your strategy is aligned with core organizational goals like improving patient access.

To learn more about improving the digital front door strategy at your organization, read the full article in Healthcare Business Today, It’s Time To Reevaluate Healthcare’s Approach To The Digital Front Door.