New on Becker's: Use Cases for Personalized Healthcare Experiences
A new article on Becker's Hospital Review looks at the use cases for personalizing healthcare experiences for patients and staff. The piece sums up discussion in a recent focus group of CIOs.
In CHIME’s Digital Health Most Wired 2022 Patient Engagement Trend Report, ORBIE award winning CIO, Michael Saad said, “The pandemic surely accelerated this move to more targeted digital offerings, but the healthcare industry is absolutely headed to personalized care.”
It was that thought that spawned the idea for the focus group. According the article, "A recent focus group of healthcare CIOs discussed the topic of personalization with an emphasis on tools like mobile that meet patients where they are most likely to be. The group talked about different use cases and what the impact of more custom experiences could be. The two that standout are unique patient experiences and employee experiences."
To get more details on the two use cases, read the full article.