
Article In MedCityNews Looks at Blue-Dot Navigation In Healthcare

Written by Lee Jones | Jul 16, 2024 1:43:00 PM

A new article in MedCityNews, True Blue-Dot Navigation in Healthcare is Both Harder and More Important Than You Think, from Gozio Chief Product Officer, Lee Jones, takes a close look at the impact of true blue-dot wayfinding in healthcare settings.

First and foremost, the article addresses the fact that navigating healthcare facilities can be very challenging. "Eighty-five percent of patients report asking for directions at a hospital, and 30 percent get lost. Many say they find it incredibly stressful and anxiety-provoking to find their way around and get to their appointments."

However, healthcare organizations still don't prioritize digital wayfinding for patients. According to the article, "Only 27% of patients reporting they have access to digital wayfinding as they know it." By that, Lee means the kind of navigation we all use everyday on our smartphones. 

He explains that, "True digital wayfinding in healthcare is more than just getting a patient from point A to point B. It involves getting patients from home to parking to their point of care — including key steps along the way, such as check-in — with ease."

Creating this kind of experience in healthcare is hard. The articles reviews some of the key challenges that are unique to healthcare when it comes to creating a great digital wayfinding experience for hospitals.

Lee lays out the five biggest challenges to creating a great digital wayfinding experience in healthcare. To learn more about what those challenges are, and why addressing them is so important, read the full article, True Blue-Dot Navigation in Healthcare is Both Harder and More Important Than You Think.