Gozio Blog

Patient Relationship Management: Beyond Simple Engagement

Written by Don Thompson | Apr 18, 2024 12:45:00 PM

Over the years, the healthcare sector has primarily emphasized patient engagement. While this focus was well-intentioned, industry leaders are now recognizing its limitations. Traditional engagements, while addressing immediate needs, lack the depth required to meet evolving patient expectations and provider demands.

Why the Shift? Engagements, by their nature, are fleeting. They center on standardized interactions that serve momentary purposes, dissipating once the engagement concludes. This leaves patients potentially unsupported in their ongoing needs, while providers risk future relationships by failing to address these ongoing requirements.

To bridge this gap, TeleVox advocates transitioning from episodic patient engagement to a continuous Patient Relationship Management (PRM) paradigm.

Defining PRM fosters enduring, individualized connections with patients through consistent, meaningful, and reciprocal communications. Unlike episodic engagements, PRM emphasizes ongoing, data-informed interactions, enriching patient experiences and outcomes while offering substantial operational and financial advantages to healthcare systems.

PRM Complementing EHR and CRM:

While electronic health records (EHR) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems play vital roles in healthcare delivery, they have distinct focuses and functionalities. EHRs are pivotal for managing patient data and clinical workflows, ensuring efficient and accurate care delivery to existing patients through web and mobile channels. On the other hand, CRM platforms excel in enhancing customer interactions across various industries, promoting sales, marketing, and customer service strategies.

Patient Relationship Management (PRM) complements these systems by offering a specialized approach tailored specifically to the healthcare sector. PRM leverages omnichannel communication to engage both existing and prospective patients, fostering enduring relationships and personalized interactions. Rather than replacing EHR and CRM, PRM platforms like TeleVox Enterprise Edition works synergistically with them, integrating seamlessly to enhance patient outcomes, experiences, and provider-patient relationships.

By integrating PRM alongside EHR and CRM solutions, healthcare providers can benefit from a comprehensive ecosystem that optimizes patient engagement, streamlines workflows, and ultimately improves the quality of care delivery. This collaborative approach ensures that patients receive personalized attention and support throughout their healthcare journey, leading to enhanced satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, better health outcomes.